
The course is aimed at management and leadership groups.


As agreed upon based on volume and scope.


As agreed upon based on volume and scope.

Booking & Questions

OBM Step 2

Tailor OBM to your organization

Implement OBM to strengthen your company. I offer customized solutions that enhance well-being, reduce conflicts, and drive sustainable results.


The course is aimed at management and leadership groups.


As agreed upon based on volume and scope.


As agreed upon based on volume and scope.

Booking & Questions

As part of the relational approach, we conduct an analysis of your organization’s specific needs and challenges. This determines the content, duration, and pricing of the training. Consider the options below as a buffet from which we collaboratively design what is most relevant for your business.

Part 1

Organization and Leadership

You as a Leader

Platforms for a Healthy and Developing Work Environment

Relationship to Employees and Behaviors


Part 2

Techniques and Tools

The main focus of Part 2 is on mapping and interventions aimed at helping both the individual and the organization as a whole.

Part 2 includes:

  • Applied behavior analysis
  • Basics of learning psychology
  • Mapping behaviors exhibited within an organization
  • Techniques to extinguish undesirable behaviors and reinforce desirable ones
  • Working with direction, competence, opportunity, and motivation
  • Conflict management between colleagues
  • Overview of how behaviors affect the work environment
  • Stress impact of communication

Basic learning theory and applied behavior analysis.
Basic work and organizational psychology with a focus on leaders and followers. Tools for mapping and understanding behavior problems.
Intervention techniques and strategies for maintenance and sustainability.

The trainer for Part 2 is the Swedish-speaking licensed psychologist Samuel West. Read more about this internationally recognized researcher, who is also a phenomenal lecturer.

Samuel West
Licensed Clinical Psychologist, specialist in Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and Behavioral Medicine. PhD in Organizational Psychology with a focus on Innovation. Worked with OBM since 2006, as a consultant and teacher.

Part 3

Implementation and Contextualization

Change and training must be effectively realized. Therefore, this section is crucial. Here, we focus on adapting and implementing the knowledge in your specific context and situation.

We work interactively with how the organization’s structure and working methods can be adapted to relational leadership. With OBM integrated into the organization, you gain tools for collegial supervision, continuous evaluation, individual solutions for employees, conflict prevention, and ongoing motivation flow.

Part 3 is about tailoring OBM to your specific needs, wishes, and the organization’s vision and goals.

Remember: OBM is not just a method but a way to build relationships.

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Relational Leadership

OBM Step 1 - Introduction and Inspirational Lecture

Discover the basics of OBM and how it can transform your organization.

OBM Step 2 - Tailor OBM to your organization

Use OBM to strengthen your business with tailor-made solutions.


Leading in Crisis and Change

The course is aimed at managers and leaders with personnel responsibility.

Motivational Interviewing for Leaders

The course is aimed at managers and leaders with personnel responsibility.

The Leadership Resource

The course is aimed at managers and leaders with personnel responsibility.

Learn more

Relational Leadership and OBM

Understand and improve the behavioral dynamics between groups and individuals.

About me

Who is Ulf Lidman?

Ulf Lidman has extensive experience of leadership in various contexts.


Trygghet smittar!

Att leda med stabilitet i osäkra tider

Föreläsningen riktar sig till ledningsgrupper samt grupper med personalansvar.