Dare to Ask – Approach What You Don’t Understand

On a recent flight, I met a young boy who, without any filter, said something rude to me. His mother looked like she wanted to sink through the floor. I could have ignored it, but I chose to talk to him instead. It turned out he was a friendly 11-year-old with multiple diagnoses, which also explained his behavior.

When he fell asleep, I took the opportunity to talk to his mom. Her story moved me deeply. She described how people avoid them, how relatives no longer reach out, and how she constantly has to explain and educate those around her. “It’s not enough that I have a son who requires so much energy—I also have to teach people how to behave,” she sighed.

We all encounter people facing life challenges—disabilities, illnesses, neurodivergence, etc. Often, we’re afraid of interfering or saying the wrong thing, so we choose silence. But sometimes, all it takes is a simple offer of support or a curious question: “How can I be here for you?”

The key is to be willing to offer and understand. Having the courage to approach without invading can mean more than we realize.

Have a brilliant day!

Ulf Lidman


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Who is Ulf Lidman?

Ulf Lidman has extensive experience of leadership in various contexts.

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