A leader builds bridges.

Yesterday, I was out biking under the Öresund Bridge. As I passed this impressive structure that connects Sweden and Denmark, it struck me how essential it is for us as leaders to understand our role as bridge-builders. Building bridges means bringing people together, creating a sense of community, and giving individuals a feeling of belonging. In a world where marginalization and polarization threaten unity, our mission is to lead with openness and warmth.

When we turn on the news, we see a world where walls are being built instead of bridges. But we have the power to choose a different path. Instead of letting fear drive us, we can choose to be courageous and inspire by standing for something greater. A leader isn’t afraid – a leader is not ruled by fear. We create security by daring to look beyond differences and building trust, step by step.

Now, more than ever, we’re needed to foster a sense of belonging and to show that each person on our team is valuable. Every team member deserves to feel seen, appreciated, and important – regardless of background, gender, ethnicity, or identity. This is what empathetic leadership competence is about. All people have equal worth.

A leader builds bridges. So, how are you building bridges as a leader? How do you create an environment where each person feels needed and included? A leader is driven by courage, understanding, and a desire to unite people around a common goal. This is the type of leadership that builds sustainable and successful teams – where we all, together, can contribute to a stronger future.

Have a brilliant day!

Ulf Lidman


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About me

Who is Ulf Lidman?

Ulf Lidman has extensive experience of leadership in various contexts.

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