All People Have Equal Worth – Why Is That So Hard?

Despite it being 2024, it still isn’t a given that all people are treated with equal worth. I am deeply frustrated that discrimination still exists, no matter how it is packaged.

Some time ago, I was at a dinner where the conversation about Muslim immigrants left me disgusted. Under the guise of “Swedish values,” opinions were expressed that were both discriminatory and marginalizing. I stood up for those being spoken ill of, tired of the sanitized framing of Muslims as a problem.

At the same time, I think of my Jewish friends in Malmö, Sweden who felt forced to leave their city due to antisemitism, often linked to Muslims. That is unacceptable. But when I reflect on myself, I realize that I am not without fault.

I have personally experienced discrimination from conservative Christians, who, in the name of religion, have condemned me for being gay. Is my view of these groups any better than what I heard about Muslims or Jews? No. It’s just as wrong.

All people have inherent worth – regardless of religion, ethnicity, group affiliation, orientation, or identity. Even those who do not share our values possess this absolute worth. If, in the fight for equality, we exclude those who think differently, we undermine our own beliefs.

I struggle with groups that discriminate in the name of religion or ideology. But every encounter with another person (yes, even someone who discriminates!) is a meeting with someone who possesses an unnegotiable human value. This also applies to those I find difficult to accept.

Let us stand together for the inherent, absolute worth of every person – always.

Have a brilliant day!

Ulf Lidman


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