Choosing Your Battles – With a Pinch of Self-Irony

Do you also have a strong sense of justice that just refuses to take a vacation? You know, that inner voice that yells, “Say something now! This is WRONG!” Yeah, I’m right there with you. And no, it doesn’t make us better people – but it sure makes us loud sometimes. I’ve realized that my impulse to speak up isn’t always about changing the world. Sometimes, it’s just about wanting to get my opinion out there. And you know what? That might not always be what the people around us need to hear.

So, what do we do?

For those of us with explosive tendencies, we need to practice holding back now and then. Choosing our battles, so to speak. Not every injustice requires our commentary.

But at the same time – a little push for the quiet souls out there!
To those who often hold back: you are needed in the conversation! Take up some space. Stand up for something now and then – the world becomes a better place when you do.

And then there’s the third kind of communicator…

The body language masters. The sighers, the eye-rollers, the arm-crossers.
“I didn’t say anything.” No, but the whole room heard your irritation anyway.

Can we find balance in our communication?

Let’s dare to hold back, dare to speak up, and let go of that passive-aggressive body language. We’re all unpolished diamonds that can shine brighter with a little adjustment.

Have a brilliant day!

Ulf Lidman


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Who is Ulf Lidman?

Ulf Lidman has extensive experience of leadership in various contexts.

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