Interpretation in Crisis – Whose Story Are You Telling?

During times of crisis, when financial markets are in turmoil, political landscapes are volatile, and election controversies keep us on edge, we crave explanations. We want to understand, to categorize, to dissect. But as we rush to make sense of the headlines, the economic data, and the political clashes, how often do we forget the individuals living through these upheavals? The urge to define and analyze frequently obscures the unique and deeply personal experiences of those affected. Why do we believe that a single "expert interpretation" can encompass the complex, varied responses we each have to these relentless challenges?

We all process stress and adversity differently. Our reactions to financial instability, political unrest, and social fractures are intensely personal. Yet, society pressures us to conform to popular narratives, even if they don’t align with our own lived experiences. If someone feels anger or anxiety—or, alternatively, calm and resilience—because of the upheaval around them, they’re often judged as either “overreacting” or “too indifferent.” But who are we to judge? Each of us knows our own thresholds, our own triggers, and our own limits. Still, society insists that only certain responses are “appropriate” or even acceptable.

True empathy lies in making space for another’s interpretation, even if it doesn’t fit our own views or logic. Instead of immediately suggesting solutions, advice, or our perspective on what’s happening, what if we simply listened? Real support means respecting that each person is their own expert. So here’s a challenge: next time you feel the urge to label, to analyze, or to counsel, stop. Ask yourself, “Whose story am I really telling here? Theirs or mine?” In a world eager to impose meaning and order, be the one who allows others the freedom to find their own.

Have a brilliant day!

Ulf Lidman


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Ulf Lidman has extensive experience of leadership in various contexts.

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