Non-Verbal Communication

Being skilled in communication is a key competency for anyone working with people. It’s important to recognize that non-verbal communication can sometimes be louder than verbal or written expression. Through facial expressions, tone of voice, body language, and other wordless ways of communicating, we reinforce—or even replace—words and create credibility that yields amazing results (or the complete opposite). This doesn’t happen automatically—it takes awareness and practice to master non-verbal communication.

If words and body language don’t align, a discrepancy arises, leading to uncertainty. We live in a culture where spoken or written words carry the most weight, but non-verbal communication is just as influential. Eye rolls, sighs, or avoiding contact are also powerful messages—sometimes destructive ones.

Ignoring people, not responding to emails, or avoiding feedback are also forms of non-verbal communication. It’s unprofessional, damages relationships, and reflects poor leadership. Avoidant behaviors have no place in good leadership practices.

Integrating verbal and non-verbal communication creates harmony and trust. Genuine communication requires practice, and I continuously strive to improve.

Have a brilliant day!

Ulf Lidman


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Who is Ulf Lidman?

Ulf Lidman has extensive experience of leadership in various contexts.

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