Partnership, Alliance, Relationship – Keys to Successful Leadership

As a leader, your most valuable resource isn’t processes or strategies – it’s the people you lead. A strong partnership, a trusting alliance, and a genuine relationship are the foundation for success. Without these building blocks, leadership can never reach its full potential. But here’s the big question: How much time do you actually spend building these relationships?

Prioritize What Truly Matters

Many leaders I meet say, “We don’t have time to focus on relationships.” But when we take a closer look at their schedule, it often turns out that they simply don’t make the time.

To understand where time actually goes, I conducted a study at three workplaces. Leaders were asked to categorize their time into three groups:

  • Time spent talking ABOUT work and employees.
  • Time spent talking WITH employees.
  • Administrative time.

The results were eye-opening. Time spent talking WITH people was the smallest category – even though everyone believed they prioritized relationships highly.

Shift Your Focus and See the Results

When we consciously shifted our focus, reduced unnecessary meetings, and streamlined administration, more time was freed up for relationships. The result? Stronger leadership, higher engagement, and better outcomes.

As a leader, you can’t say there’s not enough time. Leadership is about people, and relationships must be at the core.

Dare to prioritize what truly makes a difference!

Have a Brilliant Day!

Ulf Lidman


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About me

Who is Ulf Lidman?

Ulf Lidman has extensive experience of leadership in various contexts.

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