Relationships Are Key – Methods and Tools Are Just Support

In my work with both leadership and therapy, I often meet individuals passionate about deepening their knowledge and enhancing their skills. It’s inspiring to witness the dedication of these changemakers. However, there’s a core truth I always emphasize: relationships cannot be replaced by methods and tools.

Of course, there are numerous methods and techniques that can support us in our work, but they are secondary. Research consistently shows that relationships are the decisive factor in all human-focused work. Relationships are dynamic, require continuous effort, and form the foundation for bringing out the best in others. Without genuine relationships, tools and methods often become counterproductive, creating resistance rather than fostering growth.

In my work and training programs, I stress the importance of “walking in someone else’s shoes”—developing relational competence. This is not a soft skill but a critical, tangible capability. Whether we’re talking about Organizational Behavioral Management (OBM)Motivational Interviewing (MI), or other evidence-based approaches, the focus must always remain on relationships, with tools and techniques as peripheral supports.

Leadership and therapy share a common foundation: building close and authentic connections. Before diving into methods and tools, we must ensure that relational competence is firmly in place. It is the key to success.

Have a brilliant day!

Ulf Lidman


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About me

Who is Ulf Lidman?

Ulf Lidman has extensive experience of leadership in various contexts.

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