Two Cornerstones in a Leader’s Life.

There are undoubtedly two components that are 100% essential for someone to be granted the privilege of leading others. If these components are missing, the individual will likely cause more harm than good. Curious about what this is about?

Number One: Self-Esteem – Being

Self-esteem is about who I am. I feel secure in myself. Self-esteem refers to how we value and perceive ourselves. Healthy self-esteem neither overvalues oneself nor comes across as arrogant. It also doesn’t devalue or harshly criticize oneself.
People with healthy self-esteem embrace and accept themselves, their strengths and weaknesses, their advantages and limitations. In other words, they know who they need to be as a leader.

Number Two: Self-Confidence – Doing

Self-confidence is about trust in our abilities. I know what I can do, and I know what I cannot. A non-negotiable ability for any leader is the capacity to lead others effectively. Low self-confidence often leads to doing tasks for others that they can and should do themselves, or to micromanaging tasks to ensure they’re done “correctly.” A leader with strong self-confidence can clearly define what falls within the leader’s responsibility and what doesn’t. In other words, they know what they need to do as a leader.

Have a brilliant day!

Ulf Lidman


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Who is Ulf Lidman?

Ulf Lidman has extensive experience of leadership in various contexts.

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