Welcome to my leadership blog!

I’ve been blogging in Swedish for 20+ years. Many of my English speaking contacts have asked when I’m going to start blogging in English. The answer is now! Welcome to my blog. I will be posting a couple of times per week.

The focus is going to be relational leadership and Organizational Behavioral Management (OBM)

It’s a fascinating way of relating to the individuals and groups we have the privilege to lead.

I’m known to be provocative and at the same time evoking the best in people and organizations.

Feel free to spread the word in your networks about Ulf Lidman Training and this blog.
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Have a brilliant day!

Ulf Lidman


Other Posts

Security Begins with Leadership

In times of uncertainty, it is the responsibility of leadership to create a work environment where employees feel safe and motivated. When change happens

Relational Leadership

OBM Step 1 - Introduction and Inspirational Lecture

Discover the basics of OBM and how it can transform your organization.

OBM Step 2 - Tailor OBM to your organization

Use OBM to strengthen your business with tailor-made solutions.


Leading in Crisis and Change

The course is aimed at managers and leaders with personnel responsibility.

Motivational Interviewing for Leaders

The course is aimed at managers and leaders with personnel responsibility.

The Leadership Resource

The course is aimed at managers and leaders with personnel responsibility.

Learn more

Relational Leadership and OBM

Understand and improve the behavioral dynamics between groups and individuals.

About me

Who is Ulf Lidman?

Ulf Lidman has extensive experience of leadership in various contexts.

I want to be contacted


Trygghet smittar!

Att leda med stabilitet i osäkra tider

Föreläsningen riktar sig till ledningsgrupper samt grupper med personalansvar.