What are you proud of?

Sometimes, we need to pause, step off the hamster wheel, and take a moment to reflect. Reflection is valuable, but the key is to consider what we choose to think about. Our thoughts have a tremendous impact on how we feel and how we act. They shape our well-being and our performance. The great thing is that we have the ability to influence how we think.

I read a doctoral dissertation written by a classmate of mine. It focused on how our thought patterns affect our work and performance. The overwhelming majority of those surveyed said that their first thoughts about their own performance often involved failures, what could have been done better, and their personal shortcomings.

But if our thoughts determine how we feel and act, what happens when we constantly criticize and judge ourselves? The answer is clear: we lose energy and self-esteem.

When I guide people through reflection, I often ask questions like:

“What are you proud of?”
“What are your best skills?”
“What positive things would your coworkers say about you?”

When I follow up these questions later on, I often hear how much better they’ve felt. They feel stronger and more confident – a real boost in their everyday lives!

Believe in yourself!

Take a moment to focus on what makes you proud of yourself. Don’t just think about it fleetingly – take control of your thoughts and list specific things that define you. Who are you? What are you good at?

A fantastic way to start the week!

Have a brilliant day!

Ulf Lidman


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About me

Who is Ulf Lidman?

Ulf Lidman has extensive experience of leadership in various contexts.

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